Sunday, October 14, 2007
4mality a Must?
In his always excellent and thoughtprovoking blog, Bill Gnade pleads for more formality in the church. Now, in the face of the infantilism & chaos that plague too many modern churches, I empathize with his intention, but I don't think formality per se is the solution (in my estimation, formality and ritualism have a strong tendency to become an end in themselves; lethal reification of what should be vital "worship in truth and spirit"). Checking this issue out with the Word, we find no exhortation to formality, but only to orderliness and the primacy of the mind. The premier chapter dealing with this issue, 1 CORINTHIANS 14, presents a picture of surprisingly "egalitarian" worship (see especially vss. 26 thru 31), and ends with "Let all things be done decently and in order."