Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bizarre Retrogression

My previous post brought to mind the adage "Cleanliness is next 2 Godliness." (You're right, that's not in the Bible, altho sandwiched around His cleanliness commands to His people, we often find "I am the LORD! Be ye holy as I am!" Cf. for ex. LEV. ll:45 & 19:2). My train of thought went like this: civilization is a corporate expression of man's being made in God's image (I know, I know: civilizations always end up dissolving from corruption, but that's simply a proof of the enduring effects of The Fall), and think how crucial hygiene and sanitation are to the maintenance of civilization. Next, think of how just a few key subtle definition changes can begin the undermining of spiritual "civilization" (by that, I mean, the maintenance of The Body of Truth and the concomitant healthy functioning of the Body of Christ). Doctrinal hygiene is as paramount in the spiritual realm as physical hygiene is in the material realm.

Now, if "modern" man is so well-versed in the urgency of maintaining hygiene and sanitation in the physical realm (altho as a result of the decades-long fallout from the Marxist 60's cant, "hygiene is bourgeois nonsense," even that has been increasingly neglected), why is he so abysmally derelict---indeed rebellious!---about the vital importance of spiritual hygiene?