What is is that makes people jump to conclusions at the slightest opportunity? Why think that a writer endorses somebody's theology, just because the somebody gets mentioned as an example of something?
When in my previous post I mentioned Mother Theresa, I wasn't "signing up for her fanclub" (as some would have it). I do think that her work was good, and we need lots more people doing that sort of work, but her theology (at least what I've seen from things she said) leaves a lot to be desired. At the same time, though, it seems to me that devoting yourself to that kind of (physically) grueling, revolting and (emotionally) heartwrenching work, and for that long, would require a tremendous amount of God's strength in you.
Again, my point in the last post was that there are all kinds of spiritual types in The Body, and your type determines whether you will be, say, more attuned to cracking the doctrinal whip (and we do need those warners, because our fallen nature all too easily strays into error) or, say, to trying to understand the emotions of folks who grieve. There will be Pauls, and there will be Barnabases (and there will be people like me who are simply Tabithas. I wish I could be a Frank Turk, but God hasn't wired me that way. Where Frank's agility resides in his pen [tongue?], mine resides in my fingers.)